Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Roommate Effect

Have you ever considered yourself a lucky person? Now I don't believe in luck but I seem to be a good luck charm to others. My roommates to be exact. It is a well know fact that every girl I have ever lived with has gotten married. Most of them met their husbands while living with me. My coworker jokes that I could have my own show on Bravo. "Want to get married? Live with this lucky woman for a few months and bam! You'll find the man of your dreams." I used to say something was in the water that apparently I was not drinking but now I realize that it wasn't the water, it's me! 

All this was brought about by the fact that my last roommate just got engaged. We lived together for only 5 months but I told her the first week after we moved in that she would most likely find her husband while living with me. Oh, how true I was!

Usually when I tell people about this they will either ask if they can be my roommate or they will tell me I should go live alone and then maybe I'll rub off on myself. That doesn't really make sense to me and I don't like living alone. As an only child I spent way too much time alone. Quiet housing scare me as I don't have roommates to claim the creaky noises in the night or to wake up if there is an intruder since I am a very deep sleeper. Yea, I don't think living alone is my thing. 

Although, when I think about it, all of my friends are married whether they were my roommate or not. I believe that I attract people who are in that stage of life. Men and women who are more mature and ready for that next stage of life. Most of my friends we're married by age 23. In a span of two years I was a bridesmaid 6 times! One day this tradition will end and it will be my turn but until then I need to find a dress to wear to another wedding!!

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